301 research outputs found

    Uso de modelos hipermidia em bibliotecas digitais para dados geograficos

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    Orientador: Claudia M. Bauzer MedeirosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Esta dissertação apresenta um modelo e urna metodologia para a construção de bibliotecas digitais. Urna biblioteca digital foi aqui considerada corno sendo uma aplicação hipermídia baseada em um ambiente SGBD Hipermídia Orientado a Objetos. Modelo e metodologia foram empregados na modelagem de urna aplicação específica: urna Biblioteca Digital Geográfica, cujo objetivo é colecionar e prover acesso a uma grande quantidade de dados geográficos e convencionais. A construção desta biblioteca demandou a definição de um conjunto especial de metadados, o qual agrega diversos padrões existentes. A Biblioteca Digital Geográfica contempla dois modos de interação: folheamento (no sentido tradicional) e consulta (suportada pelo SGBD subjacente). Ambos os modos de interação são fortemente integrados no ambiente da biblioteca. O modelo da dissertação integra o modelo do BD OOHDM de Milet et al. com o modelo de Dexter Estendido, aplicando extensões a esta integração. A metodologia estende aquela proposta pelo OOHDM, adaptando-a para permitir a modelagem de bibliotecas digitais. As principais contribuições da dissertação são: a) uma revisão bibliográfica detalhada de requisitos de bibliotecas digitais, de modelos de dados para sistemas e para autoria de aplicações hipermídia, ambas as revisões apresentadas em uma taxonomia unificada; b) um modelo hipermídia orientado a objetos para bibliotecas digitais; c) uma metodologia que usa o modelo para construção de tais bibliotecas; d) uma especificação detalhada de como construir bibliotecas digitais geográficas, usando modelo e metodologia.Abstract: This dissertation presents a model and a methodology for the construction of digital libraries. A digitallibrary was here considered to be a hypermedia application, based on a Object Oriented Hypermedia DBMS environment. Model and methodology were used to model a specific application - a Geographic Digital Library, whose goal is to collect and provide access to a large volume of geographic and conventional data. The construction of this library demanded the definition of a special set of metadata, which aggregates several existing standards. The geographic digitallibrary contemplates two modes of interaction: browsing (in the traditional sense) and querying(supported by the underlying DBMS). The model integrates the OOHDM database model of Milet et al, with the Extended Dexter model, and applies extensions to this integration. The methodology extends the proposal of OOHDM, adapting it to allow modelling of digital libraries. The main contributions of the dissertation are: (a) A detailed survey of requirements of digital libraries, and of hypermedia data and authoring models, presented in a unified taxonomy; (b) An object oriented hypermedia model for digital libraries; (c) A methodology which uses the model for construction of such libraries; and (d) Detailed specification of how to build geographic digital libraries, using model and methodology.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    The Internationalization Of Human Rights And The Importance Of Normative Dialogues Between International And National Courts

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    This article intends to analyze in the context of the complexity of the process of internationalization of human rights, the definitions and tensions between cultural universalism and relativism, the essence of human rights discourse, its basic norms and an analysis of the normative dialogues in case decisions involving violations of human rights in international tribunals such as the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and national courts. The well-established dialogue between courts can bring convergences closer together and remove differences of opinion on human rights protection. A new dynamic can occur through a complementarity of one court with respect to the other, even with the different characteristics between the legal orders

    Technology and Research in a Global Networked University Digital Library (NUDL)

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    As Bibliotecas Digitais (DLs) encerram sistemas extremamente complexos de informação que suportam a criação, gestão, distribuição e preservação de fontes complexas de informação, enquanto permitem uma interação eficaz e eficiente entre as diversas sociedades que se beneficiam do conteúdo e serviços da Biblioteca Digital. Neste trabalho, centralizamo-nos sobre nossa experiência defrontando desafios de construção, manutenção e desenvolvimento de uma Biblioteca Digital Universitária em Rede (www.nudl.org), uma extensão da Biblioteca Digital em Rede de Teses e Dissertações (www.ndltd.org). NUDL é uma iniciativa de âmbito mundial que visa a tornar a propriedade intelectual produzida em universidades mais acesssível, estimulando a colaboração internacional entre todas as disciplinas. Damos os detalhados aspectos tecnológicos de nossas soluções e atividades de pesquisa realizados para proporcionar sólidos e enriquecidos serviços para as comunidades servidas por esta iniciativa

    Subclinical intramammary infection does not affect bovine milk ethanol stability

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    Neste trabalho investigou-se a hipótese de que a infecção intramamária (IIM) poderia reduzir a estabilidade do leite ao etanol (ELA), principalmente quando a IIM é causada por agentes primários. Assim, em um experimento de exposição natural, foi avaliado o efeito da IIM sobre a ELA em bovinos. Noventa e quatro vacas em lactação de cinco rebanhos leiteiros foram selecionadas por apresentar IIM, segundo resultados de cultura bacteriológica de amostras compostas de leite (isolamento positivo) e contagem de células somáticas (CCS) > 200×103 células/mL em pelo menos duas de três coletas semanais consecutivas. Após essa seleção, as vacas foram amostradas pela segunda vez (dentro de duas semanas) para avaliação da IIM em amostras de leite coletadas por quarto mamário (n = 326): produção de leite (kg/quarto/dia), ELA, composição (gordura, proteína, lactose, caseína, sólidos totais e sólidos não gordurosos) e cultura bacteriológica. O efeito da mastite subclínica sobre a ELA foi testada por dois modelos: 1) comparação de quarto sadio versus infectado; e 2) comparação de quartos mamários contralaterais. A única variável de composição do leite associada à ELA foi a lactose (r = 0,18; P < 0,01). A IIM subclínica não afetou a ELA quando a comparação foi realizada utilizando-se os dois modelos (1 e 2); bem como a ELA não foi alterada quando os quartos infectados foram classificados em grupos de agentes patogênicos (primários, secundários e infrequentes; ou contagiosos, ambientais, secundários e infrequentes) e comparados com os quartos mamários sadios. Os resultados obtidos com os dois modelos empregados demonstraram que a IIM subclínica não afetou a ELA de vacas leiteiras.The present study hypothesized that intramammary infection (IMI) might reduce milk ethanol stability (MES), mainly when IMI is caused by major pathogens. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of IMI on bovine MES using a natural exposure experimental design. Ninety-four lactating cows from five dairy herds were selected once they were determined to have an IMI, based on milk bacteriological culturing with positive isolation and somatic cell count (SCC) > 200×103 cells/mL in two out of three composite milk samples collected during three consecutive weeks. After selection, cows were sampled a second time (within two weeks) for evaluation at mammary quarter level (n = 326): milk yield (kg/quarter/day), MES, composition (fat, protein, lactose, casein, total solids and solids-non-fat), and bacteriologic culture. The effect of subclinical mastitis on MES was tested by two models: 1) comparison of healthy vs. infected quarters; and 2) comparison of contralateral mammary quarter within cow. The only milk composition variable associated with MES was lactose (r = 0.18; P < 0.01). Subclinical IMI did not affect MES when the comparison was performed using both models (1 and 2). Likewise, MES did not change when infected quarters were sorted into two groups of pathogens (major, minor and infrequent; and contagious, environmental, minor and infrequent) and compared with healthy mammary quarters. Considering the results of both models, subclinical IMI did not affect MES of dairy cows

    the role of memory under the covid-19 outbreak

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    Alvarenga, M. Z., Oliveira, M. P. V. D., & Oliveira, T. A. G. F. D. (2023). The impact of using digital technologies on supply chain resilience and robustness: the role of memory under the covid-19 outbreak. Supply Chain Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-06-2022-0217 --- Funding Information: This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) Finance Code 001. This work was supported by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under the project – UIDB/04152/2020 – Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC).Purpose: This paper’s main aim is to check the mediating effect of supply chain memory in the relationship between using digital technologies and both supply chain resilience and robustness. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 disruption was tested as a moderator of the impact of supply chain memory on supply chain resilience and robustness. Design/methodology/approach: Altogether, 257 supply chain managers answered the questionnaire, and data were analysed through structural equation modelling. Findings: This paper contributes to theory and practice by demonstrating that the experience, familiarity and knowledge to deal with disruptions partially mediate the relationship between digital technologies, resilience and robustness. Moreover, our results show that memory is less efficient for the supply chain to maintain an acceptable level of performance in case of a new extreme disruptive event like COVID-19. The full model was able to explain 36.90% of supply chain memory, 41.58% of supply chain resilience and 46.21% of supply chain robustness. Originality/value: The study helps to understand how to develop supply chain memory, positioning digital technologies as an antecedent of it. The impact of supply chain memory on supply chain resilience and robustness is proved. Knowledge about the impact of industry 4.0 technologies on disruption management is quantitatively improved. It demonstrates that digital technologies impact resilience and robustness mainly through supply chain memory. The study proves that supply chain memory is less efficient for the chain remains effective when a non-routine disruptive event occurs, but it is still imperative to recover from it.authorsversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    The challenge of long-distance over-the-air wireless links in the ocean: a survey on water-to-water and water-to-land miot communication

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    Robust wireless communication networks are a cornerstone of the modern world, allowing data to be transferred quickly and reliably. Establishing such a network at sea, a Maritime Internet of Things (MIoT), would enhance services related to safety and security at sea, environmental protection, and research. However, given the remote and harsh nature of the sea, installing robust wireless communication networks with adequate data rates and low cost is a difficult endeavor. This paper reviews recent MIoT systems developed and deployed by researchers and engineers over the past few years. It contains an analysis of short-range and long-range over-the-air radio-frequency wireless communication protocols and the synergy between these two in the pursuit of an MIoT. The goal of this paper is to serve as a go-to guide for engineers and researchers that need to implement a wireless sensor network at sea. The selection criterion for the papers included in this review was that the implemented wireless communication networks were tested in a real-world scenario.cofunded by the project K2D: Knowledge and Data from the Deep to Space with reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-045941, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE2020), and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the MIT Portugal Program. This work is also cofinanced by national funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., under project SONDA (PTDC/EME-SIS/1960/2020). T.M. thanks FCT for grant SFRH/BD/145070/201
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